Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Introduction

The purpose of Poised Wellness is to share my wisdom on the importance of obtaining ideal health. That means living a life of wellness and it's significance according to God's will for your life. Our bodies are not our own, we have a purpose to fulfill and in order to do so we have to take care of God's temple. Wellness includes the following areas: social, emotional, occupational, spiritual, intellectual and physical. True health to me means that you have obtain success in all of the areas. As we embark upon this adventure I will go into detail about each area throughout Poised Wellness. I find joy in doing research concerning issues that come my way in my personal life or from the experiences of others. I will blog about how I feel and what I have learned from each situation. I would love for you to share your own struggles with me in the hopes that I can provide you with some help. I don't know everything but I strive to know all I can, so I trust that you will help me on this journey and that we all will grow from the experience. Thank you in advance for the opportunity to share.


  1. YAYYYYY!!! I'm so excited! I am officially following you, I can't wait to see all of your amazing writing pertaining to wellness. My favorite quote is "Wellness includes the following areas: social, emotional, occupational, spiritual, intellectual and physical. True health to me means that you have obtain success in all of the areas."
    You better say that! :)

  2. I love you so much Jornae...
    Seeing this blog only makes me smile because we both know that God has major things in store for you!
    Never forget that I will be standing there at the finish line hooping and hollering for you, knowing that God will allow you to make it out on top!!

  3. Considering the church family fast, which is quickly approaching; what could one say to a person that experiences indigestion (acid reflux) when he or she has only ingested water over the course of several days? I pray blessings, sharpness, and acute articulation for your research and writing.

    "The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and full of SELF-CONTROL so that you can PRAY. Above all, LOVE one another deeply, because LOVE covers a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:7-8 NIV
